Gerard Grisey: Le Noir de L’Étoile
In 1989/1990, Gérard Grisey composed "Le Noir de l'Étoile", a piece for six percussionists, tape and astronomical signals transmitted in situ. Gérard Grisey was one of the most important representatives of spectral music in Paris in the 1970s and 80s and wrote this piece in homage to the most "captivating" themes of this musical movement: inspiration from nature, the relationship with science and the search for the yet unheard. The discovery made by the astronomer Joe Silk of the sounds of dead stars, so-called pulsars, was also a source of inspiration. These signals and frequencies reaching the earth from the far reaches of the universe became the raw material for Grisey's pioneering composition. Transferred to a gigantic instrumentarium of six percussionists, the signals are processed compositionally and made perceptible in their overlapping frequencies, and pulsar sounds are also reproduced directly via a 4-channel sound system
Previous performances:
22.04.2023, La Rasude, Lausanne (CH)
30.04.2023, St.Maria als, Stuttgart